There are more than a dozen fellowships to enable academics (historians and social scientists) as well as writers and translators to spend around two to three months, at a specified host university in the UK. In addition, there are currently two artists’ residencies (visual arts) supported by CWIT at Gasworks and the Delfina Foundation.
In 2025 CWIT, in partnership with the Alkazi Foundation for the Arts, will support a new visiting Curatorial Research Fellowship (photography) to be held at the Victoria and Albert Museum’s Photography Department. This Fellowship will be six months duration.
During the fellowship, CWIT scholars will focus on their own work. They will also have ample opportunity to interact with their colleagues and take part in university life. Fellows (and artists and curators) are expected to contribute to the life of the host institution e.g. by giving a lecture or leading a seminar presenting their own research or writing.
More information on the host institutions can be found on our Partners page and you can also watch a video to see the kind of experience that recent fellow, Dr Rukshana Zaman, has had at Queen’s University in Belfast, UK.
Visiting Fellow Shreela Basu, Nehru Trust at V&A with former Trustee, Catherine Stephens.
The applicant should:
Be an Indian citizen living in India
Be aged between 25 and 45 (there is no upper age limit for translator fellowships)
Have completed postgraduate studies and/or have at least five years professional or academic experience
Provide a proposal stating clearly what they want to do at the host institution and how they plan to use the experience on return to India
Not have had a CWIT grant within the previous five years
The Fellowships
Charles Wallace India Trust Fellowship
The British Library
Writer Fellowship
University of Kent
Apply here
Charles Wallace India Trust Visiting Fellowship
King's India Insitute, King's College London
Apply here
Writer Fellowship
Postcolonial Research Group, University of Stirling
Apply here
Translator Fellowship
British Centre for Literary Translation, University of East Anglia
Apply here
Visiting Fellow in Contemporary Asian Studies
Centre of South Asian Studies, Cambridge University
Apply here
Visiting Fellowship
Nehru Trust for Indian Collections at the V&A (NTICVA)
Apply here
Visiting Fellow
South Asia Institute, SOAS, University of London
Apply here
Visiting Fellow in Contemporary South Asian Studies
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Edinburgh University
Apply here
Visiting Fellow in Social Anthropology
Queen’s University, Belfast
Apply here
Visiting Fellow
Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and the Humanities (CRASSH), Cambridge University
Apply here
Artists' Residency
Delfina Foundation, London
Apply here
Artists' Residency
Gasworks/Triangle Arts Trust, London
Apply here
Curatorial Research Fellowship
Victoria and Albert Museum and the Alkazi Foundation for the Arts
(Deadline passed)

How To Apply
To see a list of the host institutions click here. The universities will advertise the fellowship opportunities through their websites. There is no general deadline as these opportunities are spread throughout the year. If you are interested in a particular opportunity, you are expected to check the deadline of that university or institution and to apply online. Fellows are chosen by agreement between the host university and CWIT. Similarly, the artists for the two residencies are chosen by agreement between CWIT, the Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation and the host organisation.